At San Diego Self Storage, we believe that community involvement is at the forefront of what differentiates our company from competitors. Each year, we look forward to our San Diego Food Bank Drive and the Toys for Tots campaign. And throughout the year, each of our locations generously donates time and funds to their favorite and local charitable organizations. The team at San Diego Self Storage’s corporate office is delighted to support several more San Diego-based charities through the year, such as the San Diego Gulls Foundation, Connor’s Cause, Big Brothers, Big Sisters Program, Doors of Change, the San Diego Police Department's K-9 Unit and so many more.
Smart Self Storage of Eastlake team proudly chose to provide their charitable contribution to the Chula Vista Animal Care Facility ensure health and safety for animals and citizens throughout San Diego in areas such as Chula Vista, National City, and Lemon Grove. The donation will be used to care for lost, abandoned and injured animals. Donations also allow the shelter to make needed improvements and increase adoption outreach to help find pets a permanent home.
Many of the Smart Self Storage of Eastlake employees have adopted a pet from the Chula Vista Animal Care Facility, which made it easy to decide where to provide this year's donation. In fact, team member Oscar Figueroa adopted a 5 month old kitten the day after the check was donated!